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Violet embodies the grace and intellect of a modern-day Renaissance woman, bringing a world of cultural richness to your doorstep with her mastery of both Polish and English. Educated in the liberal arts and sciences, she is the quintessence of beauty and brains, with her background spanning continents and her experience encompassing a vast array of intellectual pursuits.

Educational Pedigree & Experience

Violet's academic credentials are impressive, encompassing a comprehensive education in both humanities and social sciences, which has equipped her with a deep understanding of various cultural nuances and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations across a spectrum of subjects. Her expertise is not just in linguistics but in fostering a profound connection between diverse individuals.

Bilingual Proficiency

Fluency in Polish and English is not merely a skill for Violet—it is an art form. She glides effortlessly between the two languages, ensuring that no nuance is lost in translation. Her speech is as captivating as it is clear, making her an invaluable asset in any bilingual context, whether it be a high-stakes corporate meeting or an intimate cultural exchange.

Unparalleled Emotional Intelligence

Beyond her linguistic capabilities lies a deep-rooted emotional intelligence that sets Violet apart. This intrinsic quality allows her to relate and respond to others with empathy and understanding, forming bonds that transcend language barriers. Her insight into human emotion ensures a companionable presence that is both comforting and intellectually stimulating.

A Portrait of Beauty

Violet's physical allure harmonises perfectly with her inner qualities, presenting a presence that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is intellectually engaging. Her beauty is timeless, transcending trends, and speaking to a poise and self-assurance that is truly inspiring.

Whether engaging with her for cultural insight, linguistic expertise, or heartfelt conversation, Violet stands ready to be a bridge between worlds, bringing polish to Polish, and eloquence to English. Her companionship is an exquisite synthesis of sophistication, compassion, and multicultural wisdom.

To experience the vibrant tapestry of language and emotion that Violet weaves with every word, feel free to get in touch. She is, after all, far more than a bilingual interlocutor; she is an intellectual and emotional companion for those who seek depth and beauty in their interactions.


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30 min £200

1 hr £400

2 hr £750

3 hr £1000

Overnight £2500


1hr £600

2 hr £ 1100

3 hr £1500

Overnight £3500


French Kissing


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